Monthly Archives: May 2019

DIY Glitter Acrylic Keychain Tutorial

Years ago, I remember these cute little glitter acrylic keychains catching my eye at a craft show.  I sat there pondering how it was made and quickly did a little research.

From there, I found out where to purchase them and quickly started creating my own.  I’ve made a ton of different styles and colors!

Of course though, being the true teacher at heart, this one is my favorite! It’s a cute little design that looks perfect on a keychain!  When I return to teaching, I’ll be adding it to my classroom keys so that they won’t be easy to misplace on the playground!

Obviously, this makes an awesome teacher appreciation gift!  It’s why it rounded out some of the top picks in my DIY Teacher Appreciation gifts round-up.  It’s not super difficult to make either.  So to help you out, I’ve written a quick tutorial and provided a free SVG to get you started.

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20 Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas with FREE Printables!

As summer draws closer, parents everywhere are realized just how much they value their children’s teacher and what they do.

It is of course, the perfect time of year for Teacher Appreciation week!

Teachers are running on steam as the end of the year approaches.  They’ve worked hard all year long, and the end of the year struggle is real.  Big tests are looming in their future and in the future of their students, and it’s a very stressful time of year.  The perfect time to show them how very thankful for them you are!

I’ve already created a post of 20 awesome DIY Teacher Appreciation gifts, but let’s be real.  Not everyone has time to create their own teacher gifts.  Especially if you’re like me and try to send a sweet treat every day that week.

So the easier the better, and it doesn’t get much easier than slapping a free printable on a present and calling it a day!

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