10 Breastfeeding Essentials for Nursing Moms

Be prepared with these nursing essentials.

Want some real advice about breastfeeding and being a new Mom?

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns.

In my last post I dropped some breastfeeding truth bombs that may surprise you. As natural as it seems, breastfeeding is not always easy.

As scary as that sounds, help is out there, including some amazing products that exist solely to make your breastfeeding journey easier!

So take a load off Mama and explore these incredible products that will soon become your best friends!

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1. Milk Catcher

When my milk came in with my girls it came IN. I was full on engorged for weeks, and over-producing (with my 2nd) for months. Every morning would start with baby nursing and my other boob pouring milk. Then I discovered these gems. They can be used during a nursing session to catch all that extra milk. It is designed to use suction pressure to adhere to the opposite side. There were many morning sessions where this thing would catch 4-5 extra ounces! I’d pop that milk in the freezer and was quickly able to build my stash that way!

2. Lanolin

There’s no way around it. In the beginning, those nipples are going to hurt. I mean really… They are one of the most sensitive parts of your body and they are being mauled on an hourly basis.

Fortunately there are a few things you can do to get relief. Lanolin is one of them. This cream deeply mositurizes your aching nipples and provides a soothing comfort. Lather it on Mama! It’s all natural and safe for baby!

3. Breast Therapy Gel Pack

Another thing you can do to combat the pain in the beginning is use gel pads. Just pop these babies in the freezer and pull them out when you need to relieve engorgement and swelling.

These can also be used in the unfortunate event you encounter clogged ducts, or even mastitis. They are good to have on hand for every stage of nursing.

4. Nipple Shields

Yet another way you can provide some relief for your aching nipples is by using nipple shields. These can help promote a good latch while providing some comfort for Mom. These are made from thin silicone in an attempt to provide more skin contact between mother and baby. These are also great if you happen to have flat nipples.

5. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class

I probably should have started with this one. It is a good idea for any new Mom to take a breastfeeding course, so she knows exactly what to expect when she begins nursing.

Of course your OB-GYN probably offers an over priced one you can attend. But if you are like me, you don’t want to put on clothes and shoes and trek your aching body to the office early Saturday morning.

I WISH this class had existed when I was pregnant. At only $19, it’s an incredible deal and teaches you everything you need to know in the comfort of your own home! I love it so much I wrote a whole post devoted to it, which you can check out here.

I’m telling you Mama! You’re going to want to enroll ASAP and discover everything you need to know about breastfeeding!

6. Boppy Pillow

This is one of my all time favorite baby items period.

Of course it’s primary use is for breast-feeding. It helps you to position baby comfortably and can help save your tired arms. It can also save your back.

Additionally, it can be used to help support baby when they sit up. Or you can use it to help prop them up during tummy time!

And…wanna know a secret? It’s all sorts of amazing for a post-baby butt pillow also. That whole area is going to be hurting and sitting on this thing makes it a little more bearable.

7. Nursing Cover

So there may be no shame in your game and if so that’s amazing Mama! I truly commend you. But as the bearer of big ole’ boobies, I’m not always quite comfortable whipping them out in public. I have when needed, but I prefer some cover while baby will tolerate it.

So, in an effort to preserve some privacy and not expose myself to the world, I got this nursing cover. It’s big and roomy and breathable and my babes never minded it until they started sitting up. Then it took some convincing but I also found it doubled as a great changing table cover when we were on the go and I forgot ours!

8. Freemie Milk Collectors

Pumping is usually the bane of a breastfeeding mother’s existence. However, much like comfort can exist for sore nipples, there are ways to make it more convenient. One of my favorite ways is by using Freemies!

This amazing invention makes pumping not only hands free, but also completely concealable. You just slide them in your bra and the tubes through your shirt and you can go on with life as usual.

I held a crying, squirmy, baby. I drove a car. I worked at my desk during planning as a teacher. I even had meetings with my co-teacher during planning while I pumped.

This thing is perhaps my all time favorite baby invention. You NEED this in your life!

9. Medela Milk Storage Bottles

If you will be pumping, you will need a ton of these. I never seemed to be able to find one when I needed them.

With my oldest, I worked, so I tried to be sure to keep 2-3 bottles of milk in the fridge everyday. And I also needed at least two to contain my pumping each session. I easily had 10 of these and still found myself having to wash one to store milk. The more you have the better! Trust me!

10. Milk Storage Bags

You are also going to want to establish a freezer supply. This is helpful for working moms AND stay at home moms.

Either way, you’re going to want to get out alone eventually anyways. So it’s always a good idea to keep some frozen milk in the freezer. These bags make that really easy. I easily went through 100 or more bags with both my kids.

Don’t forget to Pin this for the Future!

Trust me Mama! You’re going to want to re-visit this post! Come back when that baby is born and make sure you’ve got everything you need.

I’d love to hear from you. What breastfeeding products have you heard about or discovered that you can’t live without? Drop them in the comments and make another nursing Mama’s life a little easier!


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