10 Easy things to fill your infant-1 year old’s Easter Basket

Easter Basket shopping can be a challenge for the little ones. Most little children haven’t yet shown great interest in toys, nor have they developed much of a preference for certain types. I struggled through the years with buying things for my youngest’s Easter basket. After the first Easter, I started keeping a list to remind myself of things I could get the following year. In hopes of helping other moms, I have rounded up 10 different types of items to fill your Easter baskets. I have included links to products we have used, or want to use for my daughter, but these categories fit either gender! Maybe this can be your one stop Easter shop!

1. Board Books:
Board books are a must with little ones as their language development is about to explode. They make the perfect addition to any Easter basket. I love to order from our preschool’s Scholastic book club, but also stumbled upon something I love even more upon the advice of a mom friend.


These tiny books are amazing! My daughter absolutely loved hers and it took a beating! It was chewed on, jerked on, and fell in the bathtub and survived it all! The price is very affordable too!

2. Snacks

Of course snacks are an easy basket filler! I love to add my daughter’s favorite foods and watch her try to instantly pry them open.

These Plum Organics puffs are a favorite of both of ours! She loves the taste and the way they quickly disolve in her mouth, and I love that they are organic AND packed full of super foods! We typically use prime pantry to buy these, but they do have them available as add-ons too!

3. Sunglasses

Is there anything cuter than a baby in sunglasses? I think not!!

We purchased these sunglasses years ago for my oldest and still use them on my youngest! They are perfect for little ones, as the straps help keep them secured. They take a little getting used to, but once your child is used to wearing them, they are fantastic! I love that they can be worn in the pool!

4. Sippy cup/Snack holder

Obviously sippy cups make the list! I don’t know about you but at our house there is a land of lost socks AND sippy cups! I don’t know where those things go!

I love these sippy cups! They are easy to clean, don’t leak, and easy for my daughter to hold and carry around!

And how stinking adorable is this guy? He is easily our favorite snack cup. The plastic pieces aren’t scratchy and can’t be pulled off easily. My daughter loves carrying this guy around and his arms make that super easy for her!

5. Small toy

If you want to add a small toy to the basket, these play keys are perfect! They are legit, one of our favorite baby toys!

My daughter actually got these for her first birthday and has LOVED them! They got plenty of play by her (and maybe a few adults). They are realistic looking enough that she actually left my keys alone! It’s a Mommy miracle y’all! Sadly, they are currently missing, so they may make an appearance in her Easter basket this year!!

6. Teething Toy

Molar’s are coming y’all and they are THE.WORST. Do yourself a favor and get your kiddo a good teething toy.

This teether was a favorite for us from early on! She still uses it, along with the little freezer teethers.

7. Lovie

My oldest had a favorite bunny that she snuggled with every single night until about 3. The poor thing is ragged and has seen better days but it still stays in her bed every night. This is another great Easter basket idea.

Her’s was a jellycat bunny, similar to this one. Little sister may be getting this one in her basket this year!

8. Musical Toys

We love music! We are constantly listening to music and having sporadic dance parties throughout the house. We go to a music class at the library every week, and my youngest loves play with the shakers. This year, I was thinking of fostering her love of music by adding instruments to her Easter Basket. I found this cute set on Amazon and have already added it to my wish list!

9. Art Supplies

Start working on developing those motor skills early! I love the Crayola fingerprint sets! These non-toxic paints wash right out of clothes! And these masterpieces are the perfect decorations for playroom walls!

10. Bath Toys

We go through lots of bath toys. I hate how most of them have holes that fill up with water and get moldy. So, my girls usually get a new bath toy in their Easter basket. This guy is one we have loved in the past! I love that it works on motor skills while also adding to the fun of bathtime!

I hope you were able to find some suggestions for your little ones Easter Basket! Have more ideas? Please share them in the comments!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Purchases from this link result in a small commission to me at no additional cost to you. All opinions are completely my own, and I would only recommend products to you that I personally use and love!


11 thoughts on “10 Easy things to fill your infant-1 year old’s Easter Basket

  1. Jenny

    I love those indestructible books! Also love the idea of giving bath toys :). Those are one of the things we tend to forget about when toy shopping in general – this is a great way to make sure you replace the old, yucky ones! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Alissa

    I like the finger painting set! I would never have thought of that myself! My son is 18 months old so this seems perfect for him. I better get started on his Easter basket!

  3. Beth

    These are awesome suggestions! I remember trying to find appropriate things for my daughter’s Easter Basket when she was about one and her older siblings were 3 and 5.

  4. Tasheena

    No, there is nothing cuter than a baby in sunglasses. Always precious! And snack cups are a great idea! My 11-month-old just learned how to use them properly and she’s all about her snacks now!


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