Christmas Gift Ideas for 1 year olds

Santa’s on his way, and Mommy and Daddy are scrambling to find presents to pile under the Christmas tree.

It’s not always as simple as it seems.  Kids at different ages have different wants and needs and some ages are a little harder to shop for.

For instance…a 1 year old?  They likely haven’t really gotten into characters or shows.  Their vocabulary is limited and while they may be toddling around, they aren’t ready for lots of big toys.  And…toys that have a million little pieces?  Definitely out.  And that’s like 90% of toys that exist!

My own kiddos have recently been one, as have my nieces, and pretty much all my friends kids.  We’re all in that toddler/preschool parenting stage.  I’ve pooled our collective wisdom and assembled this handy dandy guide , with tons of tried and true Christmas gift ideas for 1 year olds!

Christmas gift ideas for 1 year olds

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Push Toys/Walkers

If your kiddo isn’t mobile yet, you can be pretty certain they will be soon.  These toys are the perfect way to get those walking shoes going.  And, they are sure to be fun for a long time after!  My two year old still plays with her doll stroller walker!

Simple Ride-On Toys

I don’t know what it is about these toys, but whenever my daughter sees one she HAS to drop everything and ride it.  My oldest is also still quite intrigued by these.  I guess there’s something about scooting along the floor that is appealing for little ones.  Me…not so much!

Interactive/Activity Tables

These can be great support for kids who are in the beginning stages of pulling up and walking.  They also provide tons of entertainment and learning opportunities.


At one, we introduced both our daughters to the most basic of puzzles.  These are great toys to build problem solving skills and develop those evolving motor skills.  It’s also a great way to encourage language development!

Pull Behind Toys

I’m not quite sure what the appeal of these is but toddlers love them.  They tug them around everywhere.  There are so many cute choices also!

Toys that Spill and Fill

If you don’t know it yet, you soon will know that 1 year olds LOVE to make messes.  Toys that spill and fill things are sure to be favorites.  Just make sure they play with them in an area that is easily cleaned.

Interactive Musical Toys

Booty shaking and music making are hobbies of every tiny tot I know.  These toys encourage movement and can teach your child fun songs!

Baby Dolls

Boy and girl toddlers alike seem to have a fascination with baby dolls.  So much so that companies have started to market “boy” baby dolls.  While I don’t really care whether your boy plays with a “boy” approved babydoll or not, I’m glad we are moving to a place where we can accept that boys might have interest in dolls also!

Toys to Develop Fine Motor Skills

These are anything that require them to really hone in on hitting, grasping, sorting or stacking.  Toys that encourage these skills are an excellent way to give your kiddo a head start in development these necessary skills.

Books to Promote Early Literacy Skills

Fostering an early love of reading is super important.  Even though your child may not talk much, the more you read to them the quicker their vocabulary will develop and the more extensive it will be!

I hope you were able to find some ideas you could use!  Like these?  I’ve got tons more coming for you as I amp up my holiday gift guides  and consolidate them into a handy reference page!  I’m also pinning lots of great guides and Christmas ideas on Pinterest so be sure to follow me there!


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