DIY Playroom Makeover

Life now is so different than it was 6 months ago.

If you’d told me 6 months ago that playgrounds would be empty, schools would be closed, and kids would primarily be confined to their homes as all large social events would be canceled, I’d have thought you were c-r-azy!

It’s funny how much we take for granted in our daily lives. In no time at all our world has been upended by the Coronavirus.

But Corona-times haven’t been all bad. Truth be told, I sort of enjoy this slowed down pace. Even though my kids drive me to the brink of insanity and back on a daily basis, I’ve treasured this time watching them grow.

When you’re not going 100 miles an hour all the time, shuttling kids to school, practice, Scouts, birthday parties and other events; you notice so much more. For that little light in the Corona cloud I’m grateful.

My house is also very grateful these days.

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With nothing on our calendar it’s been much harder to ignore the things that need to be done around the house. Especially since we’re constantly here. In the past few months we’ve rehabbed furniture, reupholstered furniture, build huge signs, and I’ve organized every single room and closet in my house.

The biggest over-haul of all though was our playroom. Ever coming up with a brilliant toy rotation center and organizing them all for easy access, I need the exterior of our playroom needed a big lift. However, the problem was, I didn’t have a big budget to work with.  But I did have my handy dandy Silhouette Cameo.  I decided to utilize it, and my craft stock to save on spending but splurge on cuteness.

Now is the end result super chic and the pinnacle of modern design?


But it IS fun, functional and super cute. It’s also super easy if you have a cutting machine l

So today I’ll be giving you a peek into our playroom and giving you access to some of the SVGs and printables I used in our DIY playroom makeover.

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom

It’s not super posh and fancy. It’s not minimalistic by any means, but it’s a place where little girls become princesses and simultaneously become doctors who rescue wild horses. It’s our happy place, full of imagination and play. And my entire goal designing this for this room was to make it reflect that.

I wanted something cute, girly and fun. I started with a simple printable design to introduce guest to our room.

I found some cute floral clip art and added some text saying “Welcome to Izzy & Addie’s Playroom.” I popped them in some pretty white frames I’d grabbed at a consignment sale and then hung them on the wall. It’s such a sweet and fun way to welcome friends into the space.

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom
I decided I also wanted some cute printable designs for another wall in the room so I grabbed some more white frames on Amazon and got to work designing them. I liked the playroom sayings I’d seen in a friends playroom, so I took that and added my own flair. I also matched them to the color scheme I was trying to stay consistent with in my designs: purple, pink, and teal.

The result was this adorable trio of signs: Play nice, Smile often, Have fun.  You can grab these for free here.

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom

I had alot of 631 vinyl leftover from a project I did for my nieces in their bedrooms, so I knew I also needed some cute vinyl designs.

I’d seen a vinyl playroom clock at some point and while I couldn’t find the saved Pin, creating my own wasn’t a difficult process. I whipped up this adorable design signifying that it’s always play time in our playroom!

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom

I felt like the wall still looked a little blank and decided it against hanging anything. Instead I added a fun saying to the space above the closet and bathroom doors. All play…all day! The perfect mantra for our playroom!

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom
My girls love to craft and create (they get it honest) and so we have quite a bit of Artwork to display. I knew years ago I wanted a better spot to show off their masterpieces so I created one that turned out pretty cute!

In addition to the vinyl design I created, I also found super cute wall art holders in the Dollar Spot at Target! I wish they were a little bigger, but they still function just as I need them to!

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom

This fun little sign was a labor of love! I had an old canvas lying around unused so I decided to have fun creating a playroom rules design and putting it on a reverse canvas.

I also found a pretty teal paint lying around that I’d scored on Amazon and painted the frame. The result is far from perfect but I love it anyways!

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom
All of these SVGs and more are available & ultra affordable in my Etsy store! You can buy them all in a bundle and get all the images for just $4! You can  grab a freebie of my “All play…All Day” design by clicking here or on the image below.

I also added some corner shelves to the area we have set up for distance learning. I needed a space to store markers and crayons and other stuff. I also added a cute little chalkboard below where they can write messages and draw pictures.

I also re-arranged a few signs that were already hanging in the playroom.

I had an adorable owl painting was created to match my oldest daughter’s nursery. I also have a fun little girls sign I found at a sale.  It’s nothing special, probably a generic sign you can find at any Hobby Lobby or TJ Max, but it describes my sweet girls so perfectly that I felt it had to stay!

diy playroom makeover- this crafty mom

I decided to stop there since my budget was spent. However, I felt like my DIY playroom makeover was a great success!  I had already organized the playroom and had those supplies on hand. Overall I spent about $60 bucks. Most of the vinyl and other crafting supplies I already had in my craft room so it worked out perfectly!

While our playroom is never making HGTV, it’s bright and cheery, fun and functional, and completely perfect for my little family! With school starting back virtually in a couple of weeks, we’ll be in there more than ever!

If you’d like to learn more about how I organized our playroom and our amazing toy rotation system be sure to check out this post.  You won’t regret it!  My system is a game changer!

Also, don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest where I’m pinning all these ideas and so much more!


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