Turning photographs into SVGs

I’ve seen all the posts of these sweet memory projects where people have converted one of their pictures into an SVG file. I’ve read a few tutorials, and thought I could easily do one myself.

I’ve been a photographer almost a decade, and have a good bit of experience with Photoshop, so it didn’t seem like it should be difficult. Convert it into a high contrast, black and white image, import it into my design software and trace. Simple, right?

Um…that’s a big fat NOPE!

That is of course until I stumbled upon one of the most helpful websites ever! It makes it super easy to turn photographs into svgs!

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

Cute Cutter  makes the impossible possible and helped me create some pretty awesome crafts! This sweet little site takes your JPEG and converts it into SVG.

All you have to do is upload and it immediately converts it!

I decided to give it a try with a sweet little Father’s Day gift I was making for my hubby.  I wanted to use one of my favorite photos of him and the girls.  They are walking into the zoo holding hands and it’s symbolic of their adorable relationship.

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

I uploaded it into the site but saw right away I’d have to make adjustments. This is what my image looked like when I uploaded it ( I did remove part of the background as shown in the pink  space).  You can see there are speckles everywhere.

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

You don’t want to leave a lot of the speckles in there. That will take forever to weed. That was one of the problems I was encountering when trying to do this in photoshop. My images were taking 30-45 minutes to cut and then were impossible to weed.

Cute Cutter lets you easily adjust that though using the sliders to the right of the image. I mostly used remove speckles but I also played with the edge contrast and threshold also.  I left blur the same.

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

Once I had my design just right, I saved it to my computer and input it into my software. It automatically traced it for me. I had I to do was send it to my cutter! It was surprisingly easy to weed too! Under 5 minutes for a little 4×6 photo (I did end up trimming a bit of the background more too though).

Check out my final project! It’s a reverse canvas, I made into a sweet DIY Father’s Day gift I made for my husband.  Not sure how to make a reverse canvas?  It’s super easy!  Check out my tutorial here!

Be sure to check out my DIY Father’s Day projects post too if you’re looking for some ideas for gifts for Dad!

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

I also created this little project I’d been aiming to do forever! My two pups passed away a couple of years ago within 2 weeks of each other. They were both 12, and we’d had them forever, and to say I was heartbroken was an understatement.

I still miss them to this day, so I created this sweet reverse canvas to commemorate them. And with Cute Cutter it was super easy!

Turn photographs into SVGs - This Crafty Mom

Next up are going to be some memorial projects for our grandparents. I’m super excited to present those to some special family members as sweet and sentimental gifts!

With this site the possibilities are endless!   You can turn photographs into svgs that are super easy to cut!  Give it a try and let me know in the comments how your project turns out!

And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest.  I’m creating and pinning sweet and simple DIY projects all the time!



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