DIY Shabby Chic Headband

Y’all,  I wasn’t a girly girl growing up.

It’s hard to believe, but I was a rough and tumble, play in the mud, spend the day playing in a creek or in the barn kind of girl. I’d much rather play with dirt than dolls.

But when my daughters were born, that all changed.  It’s like suddenly I had these tiny beautiful breathing baby dolls.  It became my biological imperative to make them as cute as possible!

So in addition to buying waaaay too many baby clothes, I also started to rack up a small fortune in baby girl headbands.  Particularly shabby chic headbands, because they are the CUTEST!   I mean, I do live in the South after all.  It’s in my DNA to love all things bows, monogram and Paula Dean.

However, I quickly came to realize that these adorable infant headbands would be really simple to make.  I researched materials and learned that I could also get them super cheap.   And so a new hobby was born!

DIY Shabby Chic Headband

There’s not much cuter than a baby in a headband, right?  So stinking precious!!  These are just a few of TONS of headbands that were produced in my youngest girl’s early months.

I went a little crazy with this and made headbands to match practically every outfit.  But lucky for you, that means I’ve got a ton of headband making experience and I can walk you through it super quick!

You’ll be amazed at how easy it is!

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Craftiness Level (0-10): 2

Time Investment: 5 minutes


  • shabby chic floral embellishments
  • elastic headband or elastic tape
  • felt circles
  • glue gun
  • glue sticks

Step 1: Determine flowers and arrangement

First you’re going to want to select your flowers.  You can get these super cheap from online Etsy shops. I’m talking some as cheap as 20¢ or less!  There are a couple of great places I’ve found to buy them.

Here are a couple of options:

Bella Diva Baby

Silver Spoon Boutique

Hairbow Center

*You can also find a limited supply at craft stores, but prices are usually higher.* 

I start by picking my colors and then flower styles.  As you can see from my pictures above, you can be as simple, or as elaborate as you’d like with these.  For simpler designs, I might just overlap shabby chic flowers and add a jewel embellishment.   For the headband I’m demonstrating today, I choose to combine several different flower types with different textures.

I always pre-arrange my flowers on the headband so I can switch them up and try different variations before making a final decision.  Sometimes, what I envision in my mind looks better arranged differently in person.

Step 2:  Glue flowers on the headband

From here it is so simple y’all!  Literally all you need to do next is glue the flowers on in place with your hot glue gun.  When I first started buying these, I assumed they were sewn on, until I took a close look at one and realized how insanely easy they are to make!

All you need to do is glue one piece on at a time.  I do recommend using silicone finger caps if you have them handy.  Mine became a toy for my girls and are currently missing.  It is super easy to burn yourself while doing these as the material is so thin.  And if you’ve never experienced a hot glue gun burn trust me you don’t want to!

Step 3: Glue felt tabs on back to secure and protect

The last step is also super easy.  All you need to do is add some felt circles to the back. I usually try and secure the back to the headband and then throw some over any other parts where the glue might rub.  I’d actually recommend using more than pictures, but that’s all I had and it works!

There you have it!  And adorable diy shabby chic headbands that is both easy to make and ultra affordable!  These are the perfect compliment to any outfit!

Like this project?  Be sure to check out my other cute crafts and this adorable DIY unicorn floral crown post!  And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning all the cute crafts that come through my feed!

Don’t forget to pin this for later!




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