10 Easy Easter Basket ideas for your 2 to 3 year old

My baby is in full-blown toddler-hood.  So this Easter she’s treading that fine line between the comfort of baby toys and the independence of big kid toys.

This can make filling her Easter basket a little tricky, so to help myself, and reader out, I did some research and came up with 10 easy ideas for Easter basket fillers.   The Easter bunny is ballin’ on a budget this year, so she won’t get them all, but some things from this list will definitely be brought by the bunny!

ideas for Easter basket fillers

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  1.  Books

Books make an appearance at every holiday in our home.  We have a huge collection of books, due in part to my elementary teacher background, but also because we just love to read.

At 2 years old, my daughter is ready for slightly more complex story lines, but still needs the structure of board books because she easily rips thin pages.  These board books are a few favorites and some new ones that will appear in her basket this year!

2. Puzzles

Puzzles help develop important fine motor skills and foster your child’s natural curiosity.

The age of your toddler can determine how simple or complex the puzzle should be, and there are tons of different options to choose from.  Below are a few of our favorites!

3.  Crafts

Toddlers love hands on activities!   There are tons of fun activities you can do with your child that produce adorable results.

While it can be messy, my kids love painting!  The paint below is great because it doesn’t stain clothes!  We’ve also used the magic water paint and loved it!

4.  Outdoor stuff

Spring is around the corner and with temperatures warming up, everyone will want to be outside.

Why not add some fun, new outside toys to the Easter basket?  I’m planning on adding the gardening tools set, so my sweetie can help me do some planting when spring arrives!

5. Rain gear

We all know that April showers bring May flowers!

Add some new rain gear to baskets for an extra touch of spring flair.  Rain boots almost always appear in our Easter baskets because my girls feet grow so quickly!

6.  Bubbles

Who doesn’t love bubbles?!  We love bubbles, espcially in spring and summer!

The Fubbles ones are this Mom’s favorite.  They don’t spill and make life much easier.

7.  Snacks

While I will break down and put a little candy in there, I don’t like to stuff my kid’s baskets with chocolate.  I feel like it’s just a battle for the next week after because they want to over-indulge their sweet tooth.

So instead, I opt to throw in some of their favorite semi-healthier snack options that we frequently use.

8.  Play dough

We are the the age of playdough.  My kids love to squish and explore and make gigantic messes with it.  We also seem to always lose lids or not put them back on properly.  We should really probably buy stock in playdough at this rate.

So needless to say, my kid’s baskets will both contain playdough, and maybe one of these cute sets!

9.   Bath toy

Every Easter, I purge old bath toys and make room for new ones.  Even though I usually use a glue gun to plug the holes in bath toys, I feel like they still are yucky after several months.  The Easter basket is the perfect time to introduce new bath toys for my kids!

I’m excited about the elephant sprinkler.  That’s one I know she will love!

10.  Sippy cups/snack holders

Who doesn’t need more of these?  Our sippy cups get lost, or eaten by the dog every day it seems like.  We also have a box of assorted parts of sippy cups that the dishwasher seems to eat.

So, until we’ve passed the sippy cup stage, these will be making appearances in Easter baskets every year!


I hope you found some ideas for Easter basket fillersyou can use!  Do you have more than one kid also?  Be sure to check out my other Easter Basket ideas for infants – 1 year olds and for 4-6 year olds!

Also be sure to follow me on Pinterest as I’m pinning great Easter ideas daily!



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